What are the benefits of a vegetarian diet?

Eating vegetarian or plant-based foods is often directly related to various body health benefits, but being vegetarian may not be enough to bring these health benefits. The quality of food intake is also critical. At the meeting, scientists published their latest research results, clarifying the impact of plant-based food intake on body health, and how diet quality affects the impact of diet on body health.

Substantial evidence suggests that plant-based diets reduce the risk of heart disease.

More intake of plant-derived protein and less intake of animal-derived protein are directly related to a reduction in the risk of coronary heart disease.

vegetarian diet
vegetarian diet

Scientists from Erasmus University Medical Center conducted a follow-up observation of 6,000 Dutch populations for more than 13 years and found that those who consumed more plant protein (less animal protein intake) were at higher risk of coronary heart disease low.

In addition, researchers also found that eating more plant-based protein and less animal-based protein was directly related to a decrease in plaque accumulation in the body’s arteries. Researchers of 4,500 Brazilian adults found that compared to ingesting more animals For people who have sex protein, people who consume more plant protein may have a 60% chance that they will not show the possibility of plaques in the heart arteries (based on the coronary calcium score). This indicator is a A parameter that measures plaque accumulation, which is commonly used to assess the risk of coronary heart disease in the body.

Vegetarian diet reduces risk factors for heart disease and diabetes.

Scientists from George Washington University have found that following a vegetarian diet for South Asians living in the United States can help them reduce levels of risk factors related to heart disease and diabetes compared to the same people who eat meat These include lower BMI, reduced waist size, lower levels of abdominal fat, lower cholesterol levels, and lower blood sugar levels.

Don’t forget: the quality of a plant-based diet can also affect your health.

Intake of a healthy plant-based diet is often directly related to lower weight gain.

Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health conducted a study and analysis of the changes in body weight of 125,000 adults over a 4-year period and found that intake of high-quality plant-based diets, such as whole grains and fruits Diets such as vegetables, vegetables and nuts are often directly related to low weight gain, while large intakes of unhealthy plant-based diets, such as sugars, refined grains, and french fries, are significantly more directly related to weight gain.

Consuming a high-quality plant-based diet is often directly related to a lower risk of death.

Researchers from Tufts University have supported previous research evidence by studying nearly 30,000 American adults that high-quality diets can make us live longer, so high-quality plants in our daily diet Sexual diet is critical to maintaining longevity. Higher components of the plant-based diet in the diet can reduce mortality by 30%, while high-quality animal components in the diet have little effect on people’s mortality, and the benefits of a high-quality plant-based diet are in patients with chronic diseases The performance is particularly obvious.

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