How can pregnant women avoid foodborne diseases?

Foodborne diseases are what people often say as “eaten diseases.” In China, according to incomplete statistics, 200-300 million people have foodborne diseases every year. Bacteria, viruses, parasites, toxic flora and fauna, chemical contaminants, etc. are all factors that cause disease. Today, let’s talk about the five foodborne pathogens that are most harmful to pregnant women.

1. Listeria

The bacteria are “cool and cold” and are often found in refrigerators. Foods that have been refrigerated in refrigerators may be contaminated and directly ingested with the risk of infection with Listeria.

High-risk foods: milk and dairy products, cooked meat products, raw water products, vegetables and fruits, ice cream, and chilled food in refrigerators.

Latency: 3 to 70 days

Infection performance: After pregnant women eat contaminated food, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, headache and other symptoms may occur within 1~2 days, and the symptoms are relieved after 2~3 days. After about 4 weeks, Listeria can cause fetal infection through the placental barrier, leading to miscarriage, premature delivery or stillbirth. After neonatal infection, it can cause sepsis or meningitis and even fetal death.

Pregnant women should avoid eating high-risk foods such as grilled food, sushi, sashimi, and salad during pregnancy. Raw fruits and vegetables must be cleaned.

Some pregnant women are worried that the use of drugs will affect the fetus, and they are not willing to see an acute gastrointestinal inflammation. However, the incubation period of Listeria is relatively long and may affect the fetus in a few weeks. Therefore, pregnant women with acute gastrointestinal symptoms should go to a regular medical institution for treatment. At the time of the visit, take the initiative to provide doctors with a history of suspicious diet.

2, Salmonella

High-risk food: poultry meat and its products, eggs, milk and their products.

Latency: 6~72 hours

Clinical indication: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (yellow-green watery stool, sometimes pus or mucus). People with weaker immunity have more severe infection symptoms, and often have serious complications such as chills, convulsions, convulsions and coma.

3. Clostridium botulinum

High-risk foods: home-made fermented soy products or cereal products (face sauce, stinky tofu), meat products (sausage, ham), low-acid canned food (canned luncheon meat) and other foods.

Latency: 1 hour to 7 days.

Clinical manifestations: usually manifested as a series of symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, blurred vision, chewing weakness, difficulty in opening mouth or tongue, drinking water and cyanosis. In severe cases, there will be difficulty breathing, often due to respiratory failure, and the mortality rate is high.

4. Vibrio parahaemolyticus

Foodborne diseases.

High-risk foods: seafood, fish, shrimp, crab, shellfish and their products are more common; pickled foods, such as pickles.

Latency: 8~12 hours.

Clinical manifestations: The main symptoms are nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. The main features are paroxysmal cramps and diarrhea in the umbilicus. They are usually watery or washed, and a few have mucus and some have high fever. In severe cases, dehydration and decreased blood pressure cause shock.

5, enterohemorrhagic Escherichia

High-risk foods: animal foods, dairy products, vegetables and fruits

Latency: 5~6 days

Clinical manifestations: patients with sudden abdominal cramps, bloody diarrhea, low fever or no fever.

How to stay away from foodborne diseases

The safe temperature for preserving food is below 5 °C and above 60 °C. Cooked food should not be stored for more than 2 hours at room temperature; all cooked foods and perishable foods should be refrigerated in time, even in the refrigerator, when food is used; when using microwave ovens To ensure sufficient heating time, the food center temperature is above 60 °C.

Go to regular supermarkets and farmer’s markets to buy foods that look good, have no backlog, and are not damaged. When purchasing, carefully read the date of manufacture, shelf life on the video label, and do not purchase expired or unfresh food.

Keep the food clean and raw during the processing of the food. A set of knives is used to treat raw foods (raw meat, meat, seafood, etc.) and a set of knives to handle cooked foods.

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