The dietary principles of middle-aged women

According to modern medicine, middle-aged women, both physically and mentally, begin to decline. After the age of 30, many functions of the human body began to decline, generally 1% for each year of growth. For example, the bone and muscle gradually weaken, the bone density decreases, the joint cartilage regeneration ability is deficient, the vertebrae slightly compress, the muscle strength of the back and lower limbs is weakened. In short, the middle age is the transformation period of the body, that is, from the vigorous youth stage to the aging stage of various functional decline. In the middle age, unscientific diet not only causes some damage to the body, but also leaves behind hidden dangers, so as to make the aging come ahead of time, or make the aging body more weak and even shorten the life span.

Middle aged women should pay attention to the appropriate “balanced diet”;. The so-called balanced diet refers to a diet with proper ratio of basic nutrients and sufficient and reasonable content of all necessary substances. According to scientists, paying attention to the balance of diet can keep people energetic and healthy, which is especially important for middle-aged people. Because the material metabolism of middle-aged people is basically in a state of balance, that is, the intake of nutrients and other substances and the consumption and excretion of nutrients and other substances in vitro roughly maintain the state of “balance of payments”.

When making a balanced diet, we should pay attention to the following two points:

① We should pay attention to the proportion of various nutrients in the diet. Of course, first of all, we must ensure the supply of energy that adapts to people’s activities and living conditions. According to relevant data in Germany, the percentage of energy produced in basic nutrients in total energy should not exceed the following range: protein 13% – 17%; fat 30% – 35%; sugar 50% – 55%.

② Other nutrients should be arranged according to the needs of the body. For example, in the proportion of amino acids, the diet should contain not only eight kinds of “essential amino acids”, but also other amino acids that can not be synthesized by the body itself. In addition, a certain amount of amino acids should be supplied from the diet to maintain the metabolic balance and body needs.

Middle aged women should not eat more whey

From the perspective of nutrition, the nutritional value of food is not high, mainly depends on the amount of protein it contains. For the nutritional value of whey, we have studied the representative formula of whey: the nutrients contained in every 100g of whey were compared with the nutrients contained in the same amount of eggs, milk powder, rice and soybean powder. The results showed that the protein content of wheat milk was only 20.6% of milk powder, 13.5% of soybean, 36.7% of egg, 61.4% of standard powder and 67.5% of standard rice. Drinking 100g of wheat milk extract intake protein, far less than eating the same amount of eggs, milk powder or soy powder. In terms of protein content, the nutritional value of wheat milk is not high, at best, it is only equivalent to steamed bread and rice. Therefore, it is neither the “advanced tonic” nor the “best tonic drink”;.

According to this, experts believe that it is not appropriate for middle-aged people to drink milk regularly. The physiological function of middle-aged people is characterized by reduced activity and low basal metabolic rate, so the supply of heat energy should be reduced. This requires controlling the heat energy in the diet of middle-aged people, reducing the proportion of fat and carbohydrate, and appropriately increasing the proportion of high-quality protein. But the wheat milk essence is the low protein, the high carbohydrate beverage, contains the carbohydrate is the milk powder 2 times, this does not accord with the middle-aged person physiology and the nutrition need. Generally, carbohydrates in the daily diet of middle-aged people are enough for the needs of the body. If you drink malt milk in addition to the diet, it will be harmful to your health. Because carbohydrates are digested and absorbed, they enter the blood in the form of glucose. Excessive glucose eventually becomes fat and is stored in the body, which makes people fat and prone to cardiovascular disease. For those middle-aged people who have high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus and obesity, it is not beneficial, even harmful, to drink more of it.

People need to eat more polysaccharide in middle age

The so-called polysaccharide refers to the sugar molecules condensed from more than 10 monosaccharides, also known as polysaccharide. Its main function is to supply energy, play a role in strengthening the body and strengthening the immune system. Many nutritionists have predicted that the 21st century will be the polysaccharide century.

Polysaccharides can be extracted not only from animals, but also from plant fungi. Heparin obtained from animal lung and liver has the function of anti hemagglutination; chondroitin sulfate extracted from animal tissue has the function of maintaining tissue elasticity and preventing arteriosclerosis and hyperosteogeny; polysaccharide extracted from plant fungi has the function of obvious anti-tumor and improving liver function; Schizophyllum polysaccharide can resist both tumor and infection; Polyporus and other polysaccharides can resist virus and can be used for Treatment of hepatitis B.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, & ldquo; good Qi can be stored in the body, but evil cannot be done & rdquo;. And some Chinese medicine, such as ginseng, dangshen, astragalus, Huangjing, Gynostemma pentaphyllum, contain a lot of polysaccharides. The earliest aging of human is the immune system. The above drugs have the function of delaying the aging of the immune system.

Middle aged women should often eat kidney food

“The Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic” said: “in 40, the kidney qi is half gone. &It means that the kidney qi of the middle-aged people around 40 years old is only half of the total. That is to say, the Kidney Qi will decline day by day after they are middle-aged. The middle-aged people should pay attention to the continuous supplement of kidney qi. For example, in diet, they should often eat some foods that can supplement kidney qi and dispel kidney evil. Commonly used are:

Chinese yam

Invigorating the spleen and kidney, long-term taking and benefiting qi, long muscles, smart ears and eyes. It is suitable for the elderly and the infirm, and for the diabetics, the amount of sugar in the urine will be reduced automatically.


Nourish the liver and kidney, and take long time to moisten the hair and skin. People with long cough, phlegm and asthma are especially suitable for eating, and can eliminate urinary calculus.

Lotus seed

Nourishing heart and kidney, lightening body and Qi, strengthening body and hair. Middle aged spleen deficiency for a long time to vent the loss of appetite, the most appropriate food.

Black soya bean

“Compendium of Materia Medica” contains: “its juice can detoxify drugs and treat kidney disease”;. Soak the black beans in light salt water overnight (twice the water of the black beans), put the dried black beans into a water bowl, steam them and eat them, which can nourish the kidney and treat back pain.

Wax gourd

Yiqi detoxification, diuresis, skin luster, anti-aging, arteriosclerosis, obesity and other diseases have a good therapeutic effect.


It can help digestion, facilitate urination, promote metabolism, nourish the body, reduce blood pressure, and eliminate nephritis. If the upper abdomen is protruding, or the person with hunchback, sweating and acute cystitis can eat more watermelon. When half of watermelon is dug out, the skin is filled with the mixture of shiitake mushroom, shrimp, pork and melon meat, and then steamed with a little salt, it can prevent summer fatigue.

Water spinach

It is sweet and cold, can cool blood and diuresis, clear heat and detoxify. It contains protein, lipid, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron and many vitamins, with high nutritional value.

Staple food for middle-aged women

The so-called staple food refers to the main food in people’s daily life. Its main raw materials are grain & mdash; & mdash; wheat, rice, corn, millet and potato. They are a rich and economical source of the heat needed by the human body. The main foods commonly used to benefit middle-aged women are as follows:


Porridge, commonly known as porridge, in China, most people have the habit of eating porridge. For example, vegetable porridge in spring, mung bean porridge in summer, lotus root porridge in autumn, Laba porridge and mutton porridge in winter. Zhang Lai (yinlei), a scholar in the Northern Song Dynasty, said in the book of porridge: “from every day on, eating porridge is a big bowl, with empty stomach and empty stomach. The grain Qi can be made. It can’t be filled carefully, and it’s very soft and greasy. It’s the best food in the stomach. &”Su Dongpo, the great poet, also spoke highly of porridge drinking. He said:” when Wu ziye advised him to eat porridge at night, the cloud can push the old to bring forth the new, which is beneficial to the stomach. &It can be seen that porridge is an important way to keep healthy. So, what kind of porridge is good for middle-aged women?

(1) Rice congee: About 50g of rice, some sugar. Cook rice for congee, and eat it with sugar.

It has certain effect on protecting gastric mucosa and promoting the healing of gastric ulcer. Middle aged and old people, spleen and stomach weakness and ulcer patients, can often take.

(2) Oatmeal: 50g oatmeal. Put water in the pot. When the water is boiling, stir in the oatmeal and cook until it is tender. Twice a day.

It is suitable for the health care of obesity, hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular disease.

(3) Sea cucumber porridge: 250g sea cucumber, 100g glutinous rice, 200g ice sugar, 1000g clear water. Wash the sea cucumber and cut into thin silk or small cubes. Clean the glutinous rice, remove the impurities, put it into the pot, add the sea cucumber and cook it into congee, and then add the ice sugar to dissolve it.

Tonifying deficiency and damage, benefiting essence, invigorating yang and promoting urination. For hypertension, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, hepatitis, nephritis, hemorrhoids bleeding, ulcer and other diseases.

(4) Duck congee: 1 green head male duck, appropriate amount of Japonica rice, 3 scallion. After removing the hair and internal organs of the green head duck, cut it up and cook it until it is very rotten. Then add rice, scallion and white to cook porridge, or use duck soup to cook porridge.

This porridge is effective in the treatment of malnutrition, nephritis, cardiac edema, cirrhosis and ascites.

(5) Sesame congee: 50g black sesame, 100g japonica rice. Wash the black sesame, dry it, fry it, grind it, and cook it with japonica rice.

This porridge moistens the five internal organs and is suitable for the weak.

(6) Hawthorn porridge: 30-40g hawthorn, or 60g fresh hawthorn, 100g japonica rice, 10g sugar. First, put Hawthorn into the casserole to fry the thick juice, remove the dregs, and then add the japonica rice and sugar to cook the porridge.

This porridge is sour and sweet. It can be used as dessert in the afternoon. It is not suitable for eating on an empty stomach. It takes 7-10 days as a course of treatment. It is effective for those who have stagnant food accumulation and can not eliminate internal accumulation.

(7) Spinach porridge: 250g fresh spinach, 100g japonica rice. Blanch spinach in boiling water for a few minutes, remove it and cut it into small pieces. Cook congee with japonica rice.

Function: take warm and hot food, suitable for constipation, hemorrhoids, hematochezia, hypertension, etc.

(8) Mulberry congee: mulberry fruit 20-30g, japonica rice 100g, or add a little sugar. First soak the mulberry for a while, wash it, and then put it into the casserole with rice to cook porridge. When the porridge is cooked, add sugar and boil slightly.

Function: this porridge is beneficial to the human body and can be eaten at will and often.

(9) Taro porridge: taro 60-90g, japonica rice 100-150g, sugar amount. Wash and peel the fresh taro, cut it into small pieces, cook congee with japonica rice, add sugar to the congee and boil it.

It can nourish the spleen and stomach, eliminate the scrofula, take it at will, and eat it warm in the morning and evening.

(10) Garlic congee: 30g Purple Garlic, 100g japonica rice. Peel the garlic, boil it in boiling water for 1 minute, then take out the rice, put the rice into the water and cook it into congee, then put the garlic into congee again, and cook it into congee.

Taking warm and hot food can reduce blood pressure, stop dysentery and fight tuberculosis.

(11) Pig kidney congee: pig kidney 100g, rice 120g. Remove the pork kidney from the waist and wash it. Put it into the pot, add some water and boil it to make soup. Wash the rice, put it into the pig kidney soup, cook it over low heat, then eat it.

Function: white color, delicious taste, tonifying kidney qi.

(12) Glutinous rice porridge with lentils and yams: 15g lentils, 30g yams and 60g glutinous rice. Wash lentils, yams and glutinous rice and put them in a casserole. Add 500ml water and cook them gently.

Function: Invigorating the spleen, tonifying the kidney and benefiting the water, especially for leukorrhea caused by spleen deficiency.

(13) Longan lotus seed porridge: About 30g of longan meat, 30g of lotus seed, 30g to 60g of glutinous rice, 10 red dates, and a proper amount of sugar. Peel the lotus seeds, remove the core of the red dates, and cook the congee with the glutinous rice as usual. Add sugar when eating.

Nourishing the heart and calming the mind.

(14) Jujube congee: 10-15 jujubes, 60 grams of Japonica rice. Cook the two flavors together into porridge.

Function: replenish qi and blood, strengthen the spleen and stomach.

(15) Carp congee: fresh carp, rice each right amount. Wash the rice, add some water, and boil it slowly; remove the gills, viscera and scales of carp, wash it, put it in the pot, add the boiled water, and cook until the fish soup is white and thick. Add the cooked fish soup to the half cooked porridge, and then continue to cook until the porridge is cooked.

It is suitable for edema and less urine.

Cakes and Pastries

(1) Three color jujube cake: 3 pine eggs, 3 salted duck eggs, 4 raw eggs, 1 square of rice paper (or a piece of oil skin), appropriate amount of sesame oil, refined salt, monosodium glutamate and cornmeal.

Peel the eggs and cut them into 4 diamond shapes. Remove the salted duck eggs and use the yellow color to knead the yolk into six strips. Separate the egg white and yellow into two bowls, add salt and monosodium glutamate respectively, and then separate them.

Use a square enamel plate, smear sesame oil on the plate, pad rice paper, then roll the eggs with corn flour, arrange them on rice paper, leave a gap in the middle (put salted duck egg yolk in the gap).

Put the plate into the drawer, add the egg yolk, steam it for about 10 minutes with high heat, take it out; wipe off the surface moisture with a clean cloth, put it into the drawer, add the egg white, steam it for about 10 minutes, take it out and cool it, turn it out, it will be a three-color cake. When eating, according to the order of pine flowers, cut the original piece into plates.

(2) Cake: 500g eggs, 450g sugar and 400g flour.

First, sift the flour to remove the impurities for use; beat the eggs and sugar together until the color turns white, loose and thick, and the volume is about 2 times of the original volume; when the egg slurry is started, put the flour into the mixing, the mixing action should be fast, the gesture should be light, and mix well; after mixing, put it in the plate, put it on the boiling water and steam it for 20 minutes to mature.

(3) Sweet potato cake: 1000 grams of flour, 300 grams of old face fertilizer, 1000 grams of sweet potato, appropriate amount of alkali.

Pour the flour into the basin, add the old flour fertilizer, 600g warm water, and make the fermented noodles. After waking up, add a proper amount of lye, and mix well for use.

Wash and dice the raw sweet potato, sprinkle it on one part of the drawer cloth, spread the developed surface on the top half of the sweet potato, spread another layer of sweet potato, then spread the other half of the surface, and finally spread another layer of sweet potato, steamed.

(4) Five white cake: 50g white lentils, 50g white lotus seeds, 50g white Poria cocos, 15g white chrysanthemum, 50g white yam, 100g flour and 100g sugar.

Grind lentils, lotus seeds, white Poria cocos, yam and chrysanthemum into fine flour, mix with flour; add water and flour, or add fresh yeast for fermentation, and knead in sugar after hair.

Steam in boiling water for 30 minutes, until cooked, then cut into pieces for main consumption.

(5) Stir Beijing cake: 2000g red fruit, 25g osmanthus, 100g flour, 2500g sugar, 750g boiled water, 2.5G alum.

Steam the flour over the basket, crush the sugar with a rolling pin, mix it with the flour, and use the boiled water to boil the alum.

Wash the red fruits, steam them in the drawer (about 20 minutes), take them out, and knead them into congee on the copper basket (put a basin under the basket), so that the red fruits congee can flow into the basin; add water to the red peel and core in the basket, and knead them until they are clean.

Slowly put the sugar into the red fruit porridge while it’s hot, then put the boiled water into it, stir it with your hands, and pour the alum water in it; after mixing, put the osmanthus in it, mix it well, pour it into the sugar porcelain plate, cool it, and solidify it.

(6) Rose jujube cake: 5g rose, 100g jujube, 50g honey jujube, 250g brown sugar, 50g millet noodles.

Put the edible alkali into the fermented white flour, smell it with the nose without sour taste for use, dissolve the brown sugar with rose water, mix it with the millet flour into the hair flour, and stir it into a half paste shape.

Soak the drawer cloth with water, pour the mixed batter into half and spread it flat, put on the core dates, then pour the remaining half of the batter, scrape it flat, put on the dates, wrap it with the drawer cloth, and steam it for half an hour on the high fire. Cool and cut.

(7) Lotus Root Cake: 1250g lotus root, 250g glutinous rice flour, 125g white sugar, a little green plum, melon seed kernel, red cherry.

Wash the lotus root, peel it, cut it into thin wires, control the water content, put it into the glutinous rice flour and mix well.

Put the mixed glutinous rice lotus root silk in the wooden lattice covered with white cloth, sprinkle with melon seed kernel, red cherry and green plum powder, steam for 20 minutes with high heat, then you can get out of the drawer.

When lotus root cake is cool, cut it into 2-inch-wide strips, then cut it into 3-minute-thick slices, put it on a plate, sprinkle with sugar, and then eat it.

(8) Chestnut cake: 1000g chestnut, 500g sugar. Cut the chestnuts, boil them in water for about 1 hour, cool them and peel them.

Add sugar to peeled chestnuts and mash them into a mud shape. Then use the wine bottle cover as the mold to make cakes.

(9) Hawthorn protein cake: 22G frozen powder, 750g white sugar, 750g clear water, 300g licorice powder, 180g egg white, 625g hawthorn cake.

Put the frozen powder in the basin, wash it with clear water, then soak it in fresh water for 2 hours, squeeze out the water, put it in a clean pot, add 740 grams of clear water, boil it, after the frozen powder dissolves, add white sugar, after the white sugar dissolves, leave the fire, filter it, and then pour it into the pot to keep the boiling temperature, for standby.

Cut the Hawthorn cake into 8 long strips (about 36 cm long, 1.5 cm wide and 1.5 cm thick respectively), take the aluminum rectangular plate about 36 cm long and 28 cm wide, wash and eliminate the poison.

Put the egg whites in a clean cake bucket, then beat them into foam, then slowly pour into the freeze-dried sugar liquid, stir them down and stir them up, then divide them into 2 portions, 1 portions to keep five or six percent of the heat, and the other 1 to cool down and pour into the prepared rectangular plates to flatten them. Drain the 8 haw cakes (about 3 Mi Kuan), then pour the other 1 into the flat, cut them into 8 pieces after being completely cooled, then cut each slant into blocks. Yes.

(9) Babaoshulai cake: 350g fresh yam, 150g red bean, 30g real rice, 20g white lentil, 20g Poria, 4 black plum, and appropriate amount of fruit material and sugar.

Make red beans into bean paste, add sugar for use; grind Poria cocos, white lentils and real rice into powder, add a small amount of water for steaming; steam and peel fresh yams, mix them together into mud shape, spread the mud thin on the plate, and then spread the bean paste on one layer, so spread 6-7 layers, into a thousand layers of cake shape. The outermost layer and surface are decorated with appropriate fruit materials, steamed in the pot, and taken out when cooked. Boil black plum and white sugar into juice and pour it on the cake.


(1) White radish cake: 150g white radish, 150g flour, 100g lean pork, appropriate amount of ginger, onion, salt and oil.

Wash and shred the white radish, stir fry it with oil until it is five mature and ready to use; chop the meat and mix it into white radish stuffing; add water to flour and make dough, pull it into flour agent, roll it into thin slices, fill it into radish stuffing, make sandwiched pancake, put it in the pancake pan and bake it.

(2) Deep fried sweet and salty cake: 500g white flour, 150g salt, 150g water, 2 eggs, 100g sugar, 75g bean curd soup and 3G alkaline noodles.

First, use water to mix 200 grams of noodles, put them in a warm place for fermentation, then put 300 grams of noodles in a basin, add sugar, eggs, 50 grams of oil and the remaining water into the basin and mix them, put the two kinds of noodles on the chopping board and mix them with alkali, knead them well, roll them into a long strip with a thickness of 2 cm, put the Sufu soup on the upper surface, roll them up, pull down 10 preparations, press them flat by hand, roll them into a round cake with a small rolling pin, and fry them in a hot oil pan It’s a golden fish.

(3) Chicken cake: 120g rich powder, 120g egg white, 120g white mutton, and proper amount of Douchi sauce.

Chop the mutton into meat paste and make meat soup; use egg white and noodles to make noodles or cakes, put them into the pot and boil them with water and black bean sauce.

When eating, you can put monosodium glutamate and other condiments, and eat with mutton soup. Make 1 bowl of breakfast every day.

(4) Salty Pancakes: 5000g of standard flour (including 500g of flour fertilizer), 200g of crude oil, 1500g of white sugar, 1000g of brown sugar (refined syrup), 3 pieces of South milk, 50g of white sesame, 300g of soda, 12.5g of soda, 2000g of clear water.

Use two earthen pots, put in nanru (with juice), white sugar, brown sugar paste and evenly, rub thoroughly, wait for the white sugar to dissolve, then add in the flour and water to mix well; put the flour on the chopping board, make a nest shape, pour the above raw materials into the nest, mix and evenly with the flour to form a dough, stand for half an hour, then put soda ash and baking soda in the dough, continue to rub the dough until it is smooth, and then stand for about 1 hour When the dough is loose, roll it thin, sweep it with oil, edge it with water, roll it into a circle, cut it with a knife, roll it thin and stick on sesame, then fry it.

Other main foods to eat

(1) Spring roll: 500g white flour, 350g water, a little sesame oil.

Put the white noodles into the basin, pour boiling water into it and stir it up once, cold and knead it well, rub it for a long time on the case, pull down the small dosage, sprinkle it on the face, press it flat by hand, brush oil on the top, sprinkle a little on the face, then combine the two together, roll them into pancakes, burn them for a few seconds and then peel them off.

(2) Huanghua steamed bread: 375g flour, 6 eggs, 200g sugar, 100g lard.

Steam the flour into the drawer in the basin, take out the roll and sift out the fine powder.

Open the egg, put the egg white and yolk in two bowls respectively, mix them with chopsticks in one direction, mix the egg white and yolk together after foaming, put the flour and sugar into them, mix them well, put them into several small bowls (rub a little oil in the bowl first), steam them in the drawer for 10 minutes, take out the bowl and buckle out the noodles.

(3) Dousha roll: flour, laofei, Dousha filling and flour alkali.

Pour the flour on the chopping board, add the old fertilizer, warm water, and form the fermented dough; when the fermented dough is started, add a proper amount of lye, mix well, wake up a little.

Roll the dough into a 2-minute (0.6cm) thick rectangle, spread the bean paste filling on the dough, roll it from both sides to the inside, roll it to the middle, brush with a little water and stick it, turn it over and steam for 25 minutes.

Take it out and cool it, cut it into sections and put it into the plate.

(4) Crispy bean paste: 150g green bean paste, 75g bread, 4 eggs, a little flour, oil, green and red silk, 150g white sugar.

Make 10 balls of bean paste and dip them into a layer of flour; cut the bread into small pieces; beat the eggs in a bowl and mix them with chopsticks; hang the ball of bean paste dipped in flour over the egg paste and roll the diced bread on it.

Put the oil in the spoon until it’s 50 or 60% hot, put in the bean curd that rolls all over the bun, and take it out when it’s deep fried.

Put a small amount of water in the spoon, put 150 grams of white sugar, after the sugar dissolves, turn from light yellow blister to dark yellow blister, pull out the silk bag, pour in the fried bean paste, leave the fire, shake evenly, sprinkle the green and red silk out of the spoon, and pour into the oiled plate.

(5) Wonton with shredded chicken: 750g flour, 225g pork, cooked shredded chicken, shredded egg shell, xiaohaimi, shredded shallot, cilantro, ginger, soy sauce, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, starch, pepper noodles.

add some refined salt to the flour, mix with water, mix well, wake up for a while; chop up the pork, add soy sauce, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, shredded onion, ginger, millet, sesame oil, pepper noodles and other seasonings, mix well into the filling; roll the dough into large slices with a rolling pin, cut into wonton skin about 6 cm wide and 7.5 cm long with a knife, beat the filling heart and wrap it into wonton.

After the water is boiled, put the wonton into the pot one after another, and push it slowly in the pot with a spoon. When the wonton floats up, cover it and cook it; put the wonton into the bowl, sprinkle with cooked chicken shreds, egg shell shreds, small Haimi, coriander powder and drop a few drops of sesame oil, and then you can eat it.

(6) Rabbit wonton: 100g rabbit meat, 250g flour, 1 egg, proper amount of bean powder, salt, monosodium glutamate and onion.

After the rabbit is slaughtered, the skin is peeled, the internal organs are removed, and the meat is removed; the rabbit meat is chopped into minced meat, and then put into bean powder, monosodium glutamate, onion, egg, salt, and mix well; the flour is put into a basin, and the amount of water is added, and then the dough is kneaded into dough, rolled into thin slices with a rolling pin, and cut into 5cm square pieces.

Take the dough with your left hand, fill with the filling with your right hand, and wrap it into wonton as usual; add some water in the pot, put it on the fire and boil it, then put the raw wonton into the pot and boil it, and it will be finished in 3 minutes.

(7) Pea puree: 5g walnut kernel, 150g lentils, 10g black sesame, 120g white sugar, 125g lard.

Wash the lentils, put them in a boiling water pot and cook for half an hour, peel them off, put them in a bowl, add clear water to submerge the lentils, steam them in a high fire for 2 hours, take out the filtered water when the lentils are cooked and rotten, put them in a pot and mash them into mud; stir fry the black sesame seeds and grind the noodles for use.

Put the lard in the clean pot, stir fry the lentil puree when the oil is hot, add the sugar when the water is full, stir fry until it is not sticky.

Then add lard, sesame, sugar, walnuts, mix and stir well.

(8) Pot stickers: 500g white noodles, 275g water, 500g cabbage, 200g leek, 50g soy sauce, 50g sesame oil, a little ginger and salt, 250g pork.

Chop up the pork, chop up the cabbage and leek, squeeze out the water content of the cabbage, add the fragrant oil, soy sauce, ginger powder and salt and stir them into stuffing.

Pour the white flour into the basin and lift it up (warm water is used all the year round), rub it on the table, pull 50 preparations, sprinkle them on the top, roll them into the skin with a rolling pin, wrap them into the stuffing, knead them into a half moon shape, put them in the bowl with the edge, pour some thin batter, screw on the lid, fry for about 7-8 minutes, when the batter in the bowl is exhausted, add salt along the edge of the bowl, bake for about 5 minutes.

(9) Flour tea: 500g millet flour, 200g sesame paste, sesame kernel, salt and ginger powder.

Stir fry sesame seeds into yellow roll, add a little salt noodles, stir for later use.

First, mix the millet flour with warm water to make a paste; then boil the water in the pot and put in a little ginger powder. When the water is boiled, pour the paste into the pot and boil it out.

Put the cooked tea into a bowl, then pour a small spoon with sesame paste mixed with water, and sprinkle sesame seeds on it.

(10) Bread: 2500g flour, 25g salt and 15g yeast.

Put the yeast in warm water and add a small amount of flour to activate the yeast. Put the salt into the revived yeast solution, then add the flour, mix evenly, knead evenly, put it under the temperature of 28 ℃ ~ 29 ℃, ferment for about 4 hours, and the dough is fermented and matured.

According to the capacity of the oven, divide the dough into appropriate dough blocks, gently push and knead the dough blocks with the palm for about 14-15 times; when the dough blocks are in the required shape and the top is smooth, the dough blocks will be formed; finally, seal the knot mouth with the palm, hold the knot up, put the knot mouth upward, put it in the circular model of the paved dough bag, ferment for 20-30 minutes.

Buckle the formed dough knot down on the iron plate and bake in the furnace.

After the bread is out of the oven, it can be eaten after being slightly cooled.

(11) Pancake: flour, egg, zucchini, garlic, soy sauce, lard.

Flour and eggs are mixed with water to form a paste; zucchini is rubbed into silk and put into the paste and stirred evenly; lard is put in the pan and poured in with heat, scraped flat with a shovel to form a pancake circle, and both sides are burnt yellow until cooked; mashed garlic is added with soy sauce and dipped.

(12) Steamed bun with minced meat: 1500g flour, 500g pork with five flowers, appropriate amount of sesame oil, yellow sauce, scallion, alkali, old flour fertilizer and fresh ginger powder.

Dice the pork and put it into the basin, add the yellow sauce and sesame oil (mix the yellow sauce and sesame oil together to make it taste more beautiful), then pour the chopped green onion and ginger into the basin together, mix well to make the filling.

Pour the flour into the basin, add the old flour fertilizer, mix it with warm water, and knead it into a fermented dough. After the dough starts to hair, put it on the chopping board, add some alkali water, and then knead it evenly. Then, knead the dough into round strips with a diameter of about 6cm, pull them into each dosage of about 50g, press the dough flat by hand, and roll it into a round skin.

Put the filling in the center of the round skin with the left hand and the right hand. Pinch the edge of the round skin upward to form a peach shape. Sprinkle some noodles in the mold with patterns, put the green product with the filling mouth inward into the mold, press it gently, and then buckle it on the chopping board.

Put the green body into the steamer after the pot is opened, and steam on high heat for 15 minutes.

(13) Two kinds of steamed bread: flour and white jade rice.

Two thirds of the white flour and one third of the corn flour are used for combined fermentation, the specific method is the same as that of steamed bread.

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