Cómo cocinar Patatas ralladas salteadas con tomate?

Cómo cocinar Patatas ralladas salteadas con tomate?

Stir fried potato shreds with tomato1

Stir-fried potato shreds with tomato

There are many ways to make potato shreds. Today’s potato shreds are added with tomatoes, which are crispy and taste sour. It is a simple appetizer.
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Platón: Plato principal
Cocina: Chino
Palabra clave: Stir-fried potato shreds with tomato
Tiempo de preparación: 10 minutos
Tiempo de cocción: 10 minutos
Raciones: 2
Calorías: 32kcal


  • 70 g potato
  • 60 g tomato
  • sal right amount
  • aceite vegetal right amount
  • sesame oil right amount
  • salsa de soja fina right amount
  • shallot right amount
  • garlic right amount
  • white sugar right amount

Elaboración paso a paso

  • Prepare the ingredients
    Stir fried potato shreds with tomato2
  • Peel the potatoes, shredded them, and soak them in cold water to prevent them from turning black.
    Stir fried potato shreds with tomato3
  • Peel and dice tomatoes.
    Stir fried potato shreds with tomato4
  • Pour oil in the wok, fry the shallot and garlic slices.
    Stir fried potato shreds with tomato5
  • Add potato shreds, add a little salt, sugar, a little water, light soy sauce, and tomato cubes and stir fry.
    Stir fried potato shreds with tomato6
  • Fry until the potato shreds are broken, add the chopped green shallot and turn off the heat.
    Stir fried potato shreds with tomato7
  • Just pour in a little sesame oil
    Stir fried potato shreds with tomato8


This dish does not have to be fried for a long time, otherwise the potato shreds will not be crispy.


Valores nutricionales
Stir-fried potato shreds with tomato
Cantidad de la ración
Calorías 32 Calorías provenientes de grasas 9
% Diario recomendado*
Grasa 1g2%
Grasa saturada 1g6%
Sodio 4mg0%
Potasio 218mg6%
Carbohidratos 7g2%
Fibra 1g4%
Azúcar 1g1%
Proteina 1g2%
Vitamina A 251IU5%
Vitamina C 11mg13%
Calcio 7mg1%
Hierro 1mg6%
* Los porcentajes de valores diarios se basan en una dieta de 2000 calorías.
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