¿Cómo cocinar Salteado de puerros con sangre de cerdo?

¿Cómo cocinar Salteado de puerros con sangre de cerdo?

Stir fried Leek with Pork Blood1

Stir-fried Leek with Pork Blood

Pig blood is also called "pig red" because of its rich nutritional value, so it is also known as "liquid meat". Eating more pig blood has many benefits, such as removing pneumoconiosis, clearing lungs, beautifying, and replenishing blood.
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Platón: Plato principal
Cocina: Chino
Palabra clave: Stir-fried Leek with Pork Blood
Tiempo de preparación: 15 minutos
Tiempo de cocción: 10 minutos
Raciones: 2
Calorías: 61kcal


  • 200 g Pig blood
  • 200 g agua
  • 200 g puerro
  • aceite vegetal cantidad correcta
  • sal cantidad correcta

Elaboración paso a paso

  • Prepare the pig blood and water, add some salt, mix well, and wait for it to solidify
    Stir fried Leek with Pork Blood2
  • Slice the coagulated pig blood, cut the leek into long pieces
    Stir fried Leek with Pork Blood3
  • Put water in the pot, put the pig's blood in it, boil it, skim off the foam, remove the pig's blood and drain the water
    Stir fried Leek with Pork Blood4
  • Put a little oil in the pot, add a little fat meat, and fry out the fat (if there is no fat, this step can be omitted)
    Stir fried Leek with Pork Blood5
  • Pour in the leeks, stir-fry until slightly softened, pour in the hot slices of pork blood, add salt, and stir-fry evenly to get out
    Stir fried Leek with Pork Blood6
  • Finished product
    Stir fried Leek with Pork Blood7


Valores nutricionales
Stir-fried Leek with Pork Blood
Cantidad de la ración
Calorías 61 Calorías provenientes de grasas 9
% Diario recomendado*
Grasa 1g2%
Grasa saturada 1g6%
Sodio 25mg1%
Potasio 180mg5%
Carbohidratos 14g5%
Fibra 2g8%
Azúcar 4g4%
Proteina 2g4%
Vitamina A 1667IU33%
Vitamina C 12mg15%
Calcio 62 mg6%
Hierro 2 mg11%
* Los porcentajes de valores diarios se basan en una dieta de 2000 calorías.
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