How to cook steamed garlic oysters


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How to cook steamed garlic oysters

Oysters, also known as "milk in the sea," are rich in protein and the zinc that the body needs. Eating oysters prevents dry skin, promotes skin metabolism, and breaks down melanin. It is a rare beauty product. The content of zinc in raw oysters is very rich, which is the best for men to supplement zinc and has the effect of aphrodisiac. It takes only 5-6 minutes to enjoy the delicious, while the seasonings are very simple, just garlic and soy sauce. Today I share my steamed garlic oysters.
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Tiempo de preparación: 10 minutos
Tiempo de cocción: 10 minutos
Tiempo total: 20 minutos
Raciones: 2


  • 8 Oyster
  • 2 Ajo
  • 2 Capsicum frutescens
  • aceite vegetal
  • salsa de soja espesa

Elaboración paso a paso

  • The oysters are cleaned with a brush, washed and placed in a dish.
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  • Garlic cut very fine garlic, Capsicum frutescens cut ring
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  • Heat the oil, put in the right amount of oil, when the oil temperature is 50% hot, add garlic and Capsicum frutescens and stir fry until it smells very fragrant.
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  • Spread the fried garlic into each oyster with a small spoon
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  • Soy sauce on each oyster
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  • After the water in the pot is boiled, put in the oysters and steam for 5-6 minutes.
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  • Eat~~~
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