¿Cómo cocinar espinacas y setas Enoki?

¿Cómo cocinar espinacas y setas Enoki?

Spinach and Enoki Mushroom1

Spinach and Enoki Mushroom

Tell you a good way to store vegetables, that is to pick them out as soon as you buy them, wash them, blanch them, freeze them, and defrost them before you eat them. They taste the same as fresh vegetables.
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Platón: Plato principal
Cocina: Chino
Palabra clave: Spinach and Enoki Mushroom
Tiempo de preparación: 20 minutos
Tiempo de cocción: 10 minutos
Raciones: 2
Calorías: 106kcal


  • 500 g spinach
  • 200 g Enoki Mushroom
  • 15 g garlic
  • jengibre cantidad correcta
  • sal cantidad correcta
  • Chili oil cantidad correcta

Elaboración paso a paso

  • Boil the spinach in a pot of boiling water for 1 minute, remove the cold water, cut a few knives, and set aside
    Spinach and Enoki Mushroom2
  • Cut off the roots of enoki mushrooms, wash them, and blanch them in a pot of boiling water for 10 seconds, remove the cold water, and set aside
    Spinach and Enoki Mushroom3
  • Scallion ginger garlic, chopped, set aside
    Spinach and Enoki Mushroom4
  • Put the spinach and enoki mushrooms in a larger container for easy mixing
    Spinach and Enoki Mushroom5
  • Add the chopped green onion, ginger, garlic, chili oil, salt, a little sesame oil, a little sugar, and mix well
    Spinach and Enoki Mushroom6
  • Finished product, put it on the plate, let's eat it, it's very exciting
    Spinach and Enoki Mushroom7


If you like to eat sour, you can add some vinegar, if you like to eat chili, you can add more, and you can sprinkle some white sesame seeds to increase the taste. When blanching the spinach, it depends on the degree of tenderness of the spinach to determine the blanching time. For the tender one, the time is shorter, and the old one is longer.


Valores nutricionales
Spinach and Enoki Mushroom
Cantidad de la ración
Calorías 106 Calorías provenientes de grasas 9
% Diario recomendado*
Grasa 1g2%
Grasa saturada 1g6%
Sodio 202mg9%
Potasio 1784mg51%
Carbohidratos 19g6%
Fibra 8g33%
Azúcar 1g1%
Proteina 10g20%
Vitamina A 23443IU469%
Vitamina C 73mg88%
Calcio 261mg26%
Hierro 8 mg44%
* Los porcentajes de valores diarios se basan en una dieta de 2000 calorías.
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