¿Cómo cocinar el bollo de fideos con huevo y puerro?

¿Cómo cocinar el bollo de fideos con huevo y puerro?

2F414AEE 487A 4C75 AE15 F285BC80E9F2

Leek Egg Vermicelli Bun

Try to make buns with different fillings to see which tastes best, and finally come to the conclusion that the classic combination: leeks, eggs, and vermicelli are the most popular in my house.
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Platón: Plato principal
Cocina: Chino
Palabra clave: Leek Egg Vermicelli Bun
Tiempo de preparación: 40 minutos
Tiempo de cocción: 30 minutos
Raciones: 2
Calorías: 708kcal


  • 250 g Harina con alto contenido en gluten
  • 250 g puerro
  • 90 g huevo about 2
  • 60 g Vermicelli
  • 30 g Dried shrimp skin
  • cooking wine cantidad correcta
  • yeast cantidad correcta
  • sal cantidad correcta

Elaboración paso a paso

  • Divide the yeast powder with water at about 30 degrees, then add it to the flour and mix
    Leek Egg Vermicelli Bun2
  • Make it into a smooth dough, cover it and set it aside for fermentation;
    Leek Egg Vermicelli Bun3
  • The vermicelli is boiled in water until soft;
    Leek Egg Vermicelli Bun4
  • Beat the eggs into a bowl, add salt and cooking wine, and mix well;
    Leek Egg Vermicelli Bun5
  • Heat the pan with cold oil, pour the egg liquid;
    Leek Egg Vermicelli Bun6
  • Slowly fry until the shape is set, cut into small pieces with chopsticks, and put them into a bowl;
    Leek Egg Vermicelli Bun7
  • Put the cooked vermicelli into a bowl and cut into small pieces with scissors;
    Leek Egg Vermicelli Bun8
  • Put the scrambled eggs, leeks and vermicelli into a bowl;
    Leek Egg Vermicelli Bun9
  • Add sesame oil and salt in turn and mix well;
    Leek Egg Vermicelli Bun10
  • Put a little oil in the pot and stir-fry the shrimp skin until fragrant;
    Leek Egg Vermicelli Bun11
  • Mix the sautéed shrimp skins into it and mix well;
    Leek Egg Vermicelli Bun12
  • The dough is fermented to 1.5 times to 2 times the size, and the fingers do not rebound;
    Leek Egg Vermicelli Bun13
  • Divide the dough into the same size doses and wait for 10 minutes;
    Leek Egg Vermicelli Bun14
  • Roll the dough into a round piece and wrap it in the filling;
    Leek Egg Vermicelli Bun15
  • Raise the round edge with your right hand and fold it inward, wrap it up, and put it in the steamer for 10 minutes;
    Leek Egg Vermicelli Bun16
  • After the water is boiled, steam the wrapped buns on high heat for 8 minutes, simmer for 1 minute, then remove the lid;
    Leek Egg Vermicelli Bun17
  • Started eating
    2F414AEE 487A 4C75 AE15 F285BC80E9F2


Valores nutricionales
Leek Egg Vermicelli Bun
Cantidad de la ración
Calorías 708 Calorías provenientes de grasas 45
% Diario recomendado*
Grasa 5g8%
Grasa saturada 2g13%
Grasa Transgénica 1g
Colesterol 167mg56%
Sodio 144mg6%
Potasio 296mg8%
Carbohidratos 130g43%
Fibra 7g29%
Azúcar 5g6%
Proteina 25g50%
Vitamina A 2327IU47%
Vitamina C 15mg18%
Calcio 104mg10%
Hierro 5 mg28%
* Los porcentajes de valores diarios se basan en una dieta de 2000 calorías.
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