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Sweet and sour pork ribs

Sweet and sour pork ribs

I keep a plate of "sweet and sour pork ribs" in my heart, which is simple but very particular. It is a memory for me, it is also nostalgia, and it keeps me pursuing its taste.
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Imprimir Pin Tarifa
Platón: Plato principal
Cocina: Chino
Palabra clave: Sweet and sour pork ribs
Tiempo de preparación: 2 horas 30 minutos
Tiempo de cocción: 50 minutos
Tiempo total: 3 horas 20 minutos
Raciones: 3
Calorías: 687kcal


  • 1000 g pork ribs


  • 3 g sal
  • 3 g white sugar
  • 3 g rice wine


  • 25 g salsa de soja
  • 20 g crystal sugar
  • 20 g rice vinegar
  • 5 g ketchup
  • 3 g rice wine
  • 700 ml agua
  • 10 ml lemon juice

Elaboración paso a paso

  • The pork chops are soaked in clean water for 30 minutes and drained. Add salt, sugar and rice wine to marinate for more than 2 hours to ensure that the basic salty taste has been incorporated into the meat ~
  • Burn a pot of oil and fry the marinated ribs in batches into brownish red ~
  • Water + soy sauce + rock sugar + rice vinegar (10g) + tomato sauce + ginger slices + rice wine, boil and add fried ribs braised for 40 minutes ~
  • After the time is up, open the lid and collect the juice on high heat. When the soup is thick, add the lemon juice and the remaining half of rice vinegar (10g).


The ribs clean water is mainly to remove blood water and bone debris ~


Valores nutricionales
Sweet and sour pork ribs
Cantidad de la ración
Calorías 687 Calorías provenientes de grasas 495
% Diario recomendado*
Grasa 55g85%
Grasa saturada 18g113%
Grasa Transgénica 1g
Grasa polinsaturada 9g
Grasa monosaturada 20g
Colesterol 187mg62%
Sodio 1069mg46%
Potasio 591mg17%
Carbohidratos 9g3%
Fibra 1g4%
Azúcar 8g9%
Proteina 37g74%
Vitamina A 9IU0%
Vitamina C 1mg1%
Calcio 45 mg5%
Hierro 2 mg11%
* Los porcentajes de valores diarios se basan en una dieta de 2000 calorías.
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