¿Cómo cocinar los cacahuetes en vinagre viejo?

¿Cómo cocinar los cacahuetes en vinagre viejo?

Old vinegar peanuts where to find such a good appetizer

Old vinegar peanuts-where to find such a good appetizer

This dish of old vinegar and peanuts was almost one of the must-orders in restaurants before
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Imprimir Pin Tarifa
Platón: Plato principal
Cocina: Chino
Palabra clave: Old vinegar peanuts
Tiempo de preparación: 10 minutos
Tiempo de cocción: 15 minutos
Tiempo total: 25 minutos
Raciones: 2
Calorías: 2093kcal


  • 300 g peanut
  • 30 g aceite vegetal
  • 35 g vinagre
  • 20 g white sugar
  • 15 g salsa de soja
  • 50 g onion
  • 60 g green pepper

Elaboración paso a paso

  • Cut onion and green pepper into fingernail-sized particles
    5 scoops of vinegar, 7 scoops of sugar, 1 scoop of soy sauce, 4 scoops of water, 2 scoops of starch, turn into sweet and sour juice
    Regarding sweet and sour sauce, everyone's taste is different. If you like sour, put more vinegar, and if you like sweet, put more sugar. So taste it first.
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  • A small bowl of peanuts, generally smaller peanuts are more fragrant.
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  • Put the peanuts in the cold pot and put it in the cold oil. The whole process is on low fire, otherwise the peanut skin will be fried and the peanuts are not cooked.
    The frying process must be turned from time to time.
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  • The peanuts are fried.
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  • Wait until the peanuts cool down to boil the sweet and sour sauce and stir it before pouring into the pot, because the starch will sink to the bottom.
    Sweet and sour sauce is boiled into this slightly sticky state. If it doesn't feel sticky, add a little starch water.
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  • Good sweet and sour juice, keep cool and set aside, I'm drying it under cold water.
    It is recommended that those who have time to make sweet and sour juice in advance and refrigerate in the refrigerator for a while, taste better.
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  • Pour the cooled peanuts into a bowl of green pepper and onion.
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  • After the sweet and sour sauce is completely cooled
    Mix well
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  • Sweet and sour, perfect for appetizers! Spoonful is the most exciting
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very delicious


Valores nutricionales
Old vinegar peanuts-where to find such a good appetizer
Cantidad de la ración
Calorías 2093 Calorías provenientes de grasas 1611
% Diario recomendado*
Grasa 179g275%
Grasa saturada 47g294%
Sodio 909mg40%
Potasio 2410mg69%
Carbohidratos 76g25%
Fibra 30g125%
Azúcar 24g27%
Proteina 81g162%
Vitamina A 222IU4%
Vitamina C 52mg63%
Calcio 330mg33%
Hierro 12mg67%
* Los porcentajes de valores diarios se basan en una dieta de 2000 calorías.
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