How to cook Cotton-like seaweed floss bread?

How to cook Cotton-like seaweed floss bread?

Cotton like seaweed floss bread scaled

Cotton-like seaweed floss bread

The key is very soft!
It is recommended to see the steps before doing it! !! !! Every step is done, it is difficult to fail!
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Imprimir Pin Tarifa
Platón: Bread
Cocina: Chino
Palabra clave: Cotton-like seaweed floss bread
Tiempo de preparación: 40 minutos
Tiempo de cocción: 30 minutos
Tiempo total: 1 hora 10 minutos
Raciones: 2
Calorías: 1053kcal


Dough material

  • 250 g Harina con alto contenido en gluten
  • 3 g yeast
  • 25 g leche en polvo
  • 50 g white sugar
  • 2 g sal
  • 46 g egg liquid
  • 10 g aceite de maíz
  • 125 g leche
  • 20 g butter


  • 100 g floss
  • 80 g salad dressing
  • 20 g high gluten flour Decorative surface

Elaboración paso a paso

  • With the exception of butter and salt, knead all the dough ingredients after smoothing.
    Add salt and cut into small pieces of butter and knead until fully expanded, you can pull out the film
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  • Put the kneaded dough into a container and cover it with plastic wrap.
    Place in a warm place for basic fermentation.
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  • When the dough is double-fermented, poke a hole with the index finger dipped in flour, and it will not retract or rebound. The first fermentation is completed.
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  • Take out the fermented dough, press lightly, and vent.
    Weigh the total weight and divide it into 9 equal portions, 56 grams each
    Round and cover with plastic wrap and let stand for 15 minutes.
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  • Prepare the floss stuffing and salad dressing, mine is seaweed floss
    Of course, you can also put your favorite fillings, such as: bean paste, coconut paste ... whatever you like?
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  • Roll the slack dough into a circle, don't roll it too thin
    Pat the small bubbles on the edges, spread the floss, and squeeze the salad dressing (don't put too much floss, as is the salad dressing, which affects the closing)
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  • Just like buns, close tightly.
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  • Close the mouth and place the bread tray
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  • Place the baking sheets in turn
    Place it in an environment with a temperature of about 35 degrees and a humidity of 75% for secondary proofing.
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  • Fermented to 2 times the size, the surface can be rebounded slowly
    Indicates that proofing is complete.
    Start preheating the oven up and down 170 degrees
    Sift the flour on the surface of the bread and cut out your favorite lines with a knife
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  • 170 degrees in the oven, bake for about 17 minutes, Satisfactory coloring, timely stamping
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  • Tempting
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1. The liquid of the dough should be adjusted flexibly according to the water absorption of the flour.
2. Each oven has a different temper. The baking temperature time is for reference only. Please adjust it yourself.
3. After the color is satisfied, cover it with tin foil in time.
4. The filling can be changed as you like, such as: bean paste filling, coconut filling ...
5. The corn oil in the recipe must be put on, it will delay the aging of the bread, softer and more delicate.
6. It is not recommended to reduce the amount of sugar in the recipe. I have adjusted it to the lowest level


Valores nutricionales
Cotton-like seaweed floss bread
Cantidad de la ración
Calorías 1053 Calorías provenientes de grasas 342
% Diario recomendado*
Grasa 38g58%
Grasa saturada 14g88%
Colesterol 76mg25%
Sodio 1003mg44%
Potasio 426mg12%
Carbohidratos 133g44%
Fibra 5g21%
Azúcar 37g41%
Proteina 35g70%
Vitamina A 668IU13%
Vitamina C 1mg1%
Calcio 197mg20%
Hierro 3 mg17%
* Los porcentajes de valores diarios se basan en una dieta de 2000 calorías.
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