Cómo cocinar Patatas baby a la sartén con aceite de oliva?

Cómo cocinar Patatas baby a la sartén con aceite de oliva?

Pan fried baby potatoes with olive oil1

Pan-fried baby potatoes with olive oil

Olive oil can be used not only for cold dishes, but also for cooking ingredients by frying, frying, frying, and boiling. Because olive oil has a higher smoke point than other edible oils, it can be used with confidence. When I was shopping for vegetables, I saw small potatoes sold in the market, and they looked very fresh
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Platón: Plato principal
Cocina: Chino
Palabra clave: Pan-fried baby potatoes with olive oil
Tiempo de preparación: 3 minutos
Tiempo de cocción: 15 minutos
Raciones: 2
Calorías: 116kcal


  • 300 g potato
  • olive oil cantidad correcta
  • sal cantidad correcta
  • shallot cantidad correcta
  • Cumin powder cantidad correcta
  • chili powder cantidad correcta
  • salsa de soja fina cantidad correcta
  • pepper oil cantidad correcta

Elaboración paso a paso

  • Olive oil and small potatoes
    Pan fried baby potatoes with olive oil2
  • After washing the small potatoes, put them in boiling water and cook for about 15 minutes. Use a chopstick to easily pierce the largest potatoes through, and then they can be picked up and cooled.
    Pan fried baby potatoes with olive oil3
  • Flatten the potatoes gently with a knife surface
    Pan fried baby potatoes with olive oil4
  • Pour olive oil into the pot
    Pan fried baby potatoes with olive oil5
  • Fry small potatoes with golden brown on both sides and remove
    Pan fried baby potatoes with olive oil6
  • Leave a small amount of bottom oil in the pot, add the chopped green shallot and sauté
    Pan fried baby potatoes with olive oil7
  • Add the fried potatoes and salt, and stir-fry evenly
    Pan fried baby potatoes with olive oil8
  • Add cumin powder
    Pan fried baby potatoes with olive oil9
  • Chili powder and fresh soy sauce
    Pan fried baby potatoes with olive oil10
  • Stir fry for a while, turn off the heat, add a little pepper oil before starting the pan
    Pan fried baby potatoes with olive oil11
  • It can be served after being evenly stir-fried, and it tastes very delicious in your mouth!
    Pan fried baby potatoes with olive oil12


Valores nutricionales
Pan-fried baby potatoes with olive oil
Cantidad de la ración
Calorías 116 Calorías provenientes de grasas 9
% Diario recomendado*
Grasa 1g2%
Grasa saturada 1g6%
Sodio 9mg0%
Potasio 632mg18%
Carbohidratos 26g9%
Fibra 3g13%
Azúcar 1g1%
Proteina 3g6%
Vitamina A 3IU0%
Vitamina C 30mg36%
Calcio 18 mg2%
Hierro 1mg6%
* Los porcentajes de valores diarios se basan en una dieta de 2000 calorías.
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