¿Cómo cocinar tortitas de patata crujientes?

¿Cómo cocinar tortitas de patata crujientes?

Crispy potato pancakes1

Crispy potato pancakes

It is both a vegetable and a staple food. It is burnt on the outside and tender on the inside. When you bite it down, the hot potato fragrant curls into your nostrils. The sight, smell, and taste will be instantly captured, and you can’t stop one bite.
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Platón: Plato principal
Cocina: Chino
Palabra clave: Crispy potato pancakes
Tiempo de preparación: 10 minutos
Tiempo de cocción: 10 minutos
Raciones: 1
Calorías: 62kcal


  • 80 g potato
  • white pepper cantidad correcta
  • sal cantidad correcta
  • Chili powder cantidad correcta

Elaboración paso a paso

  • Prepare one big potato or 2 small potatoes
    Crispy potato pancakes2
  • Peel and wash the potatoes with a wire grater and rub them into thin filaments
    Crispy potato pancakes3
  • Heat the pan and add a little oil to evenly boil, put the potato shreds in the pan
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  • Bring one side of the heat to a small heat, then turn it over and color the other side to get out of the pot, sprinkle with salt and pepper powder and chili powder
    Crispy potato pancakes5
  • Fried potato shreds, topped with sweet chili sauce or tomato sauce
    Crispy potato pancakes6
  • Sprinkle a little bit of ripe sesame seeds
    Crispy potato pancakes7
  • Cut into pieces with a knife, ready to eat
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  • Golden on both sides with crispy skin, very delicious
    Crispy potato pancakes9


1. It is best to use a pan, otherwise it will burn easily.
2. Don't wash the potatoes after peeling them, and don't add flour or anything else, because the potatoes themselves have starch.
3. They can be made into the shape of small cakes, or they can be directly made into cakes as big as the bottom of the pan. Time to cut;


Valores nutricionales
Crispy potato pancakes
Cantidad de la ración
Calorías 62 Calorías provenientes de grasas 9
% Diario recomendado*
Grasa 1g2%
Grasa saturada 1g6%
Sodio 5mg0%
Potasio 337mg10%
Carbohidratos 14g5%
Fibra 2g8%
Azúcar 1g1%
Proteina 2g4%
Vitamina A 2IU0%
Vitamina C 16 mg19%
Calcio 10mg1%
Hierro 1mg6%
* Los porcentajes de valores diarios se basan en una dieta de 2000 calorías.
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