Category Archives: Healthy diet

Healthy diet – Healthy eating information, how to eat healthy, how to scientifically and healthy diet, healthy eating news

Correct drinking water can detoxify and reduce weight

Drinking water is the simplest way of health preservation, but if the drinking water is [...]

Expel toxin, exude youth charm from root

For women, time is always cruel, especially for those who do not take enough care [...]

Three functions of detoxification

Detoxification can not only decontaminate and clear blood, regulate qi and blood, balance yin and [...]

Constipation problems that have to be raised in detoxification

Constipation has become a “little problem” for more and more people. It can not only [...]

If you want to expel the poison in your body, the bladder channel must be unblocked

If the toxin enters the human body, if it can’t be discharged in time, it [...]

Some fruits can also help you to wash intestines and detoxify. Different fruits can discharge different poisons

Strawberry: not high in calories, but also contains vitamin C. In natural therapy, strawberries can [...]

Easy detoxification: three meals a day should be healthy

The so-called healthy Detox meal, a principle is to ingest what your body should ingest, [...]

Natural detoxification in the body

Fasting is the most natural detoxification method in animal kingdom, which is to remove waste [...]

This herb teaches you to walk out of the mistake of detoxification

Everyone’s physique is different, only according to their own characteristics to choose a suitable way [...]

Two ways of detoxification

&”Stop eating” is not to eat nothing, but to fast solid food and replace it [...]

A cup of green tea with tonic and diarrhea

Since ancient times, Chinese people have the habit of drinking tea. Especially in the hot [...]

Food is the most effective “disinfectant”

Many people know that they have toxins in their bodies, but hard work can’t eliminate [...]