Archives par catégorie: Healthy diet

Healthy diet – Healthy eating information, how to eat healthy, how to scientifically and healthy diet, healthy eating news

Whether there is scientific basis for many taboos after meals

It’s easy to get fat after eating. Can’t you take a lunch break after eating? [...]

Is it easy to have diarrhea when eating fruit?

Is there a healthy eating habit of eating fruit in life? Maybe it’s to keep [...]

Delicious food can not be without the credit of magic condiment, but it is not suitable for a class of women

Female friends who are good at cooking and know how to cook some delicious food [...]

Many women have partial eating habits? In fact, such diet suggestions are more reasonable and can prevent diseases

Is it true that some female friends often have a partial diet in their life? [...]

Do you want to understand that some people like bad garlic?

Some people in the North like garlic, which may make some female friends feel difficult [...]

Is bone soup calcium supplement highly recommended by the older generation?

When you ask some elders who have raised children, if your child wants to grow [...]

Women who eat large meals on weekends should also pay attention to health preservation and digestion

Weekend is relatively happy for girls’ sexual friends, and in such a weekend, many female [...]

Women drink too much to hurt themselves, but drink too little to be happy

Xiaobian has met many female friends at the dinner table. Although they are female, they [...]

MSG can cause cancer when cooking? Smart mothers do this, which is not only safe but also delicious

Monosodium glutamate and chicken essence are very common seasonings in the kitchen. Mom can’t do [...]

Anti cancer food doesn’t fight cancer, because mom ignores these

As we all know, tomatoes are rich in nutrition, but also very famous anti-cancer food. [...]

Do you understand the taboo of menstruation?

When a girl’s body develops, her menstruation follows, which means that the transition from a [...]

What should we do if leftovers cause cancer?

The housewives must have such troubles. Sometimes they cook too much food, especially during the [...]