How to cook Astragalus pigeon soup

Pigeon meat has the functions of nourishing liver and strengthening kidney, clearing away heat and [...]

How to cook High-nutrition pigeon soup

Chinese folks have the saying that “one pigeon wins nine chickens.” The pigeon soup is [...]

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Baked avocado pigeon egg

I like avocado very much. If you make a dish with the eggs of the [...]

You should avoid these three misunderstandings of diet

Food is very important to people. In addition to eating to satisfy people’s appetite, eating [...]

What is fermented food? Eating fermented foods can increase your life!

In recent years, Japanese researchers have learned from long-term research and experiments on fermented foods [...]

How do the elderly eat to prevent Alzheimer?

How to diet to prevent Alzheimer? Start with your daily diet! To prevent Alzheimer’s disease, [...]