Is it necessary to invigorate the kidney in middle age

With the growth of age, the rapid pace of modern life, the relatively large work [...]

Middle aged people should pay attention to drinking water when they get sick

When middle-aged people suffer from a certain disease, how much water they need to drink [...]

Six treasures of strong middle-aged people

In middle age, the body will begin to slide, from prosperity to decline. To eliminate [...]

The long time of spermatorrhea will hurt the vitality. Decoction is prepared to protect kidney yin

Spermatorrhea is a disease of sexual function. The kidney contains essence, which should be sealed [...]

Breaking through the pressure, food is the “pioneer”

Men are the backbone of society and family, especially the middle-aged men. They are suffering [...]

How men adapt to menopause

Male menopause health care, first of all, should have a correct understanding and scientific understanding [...]

It’s harmful for men to grow beards

Some men think that wearing a big beard can highlight masculinity, appear dignified, solemn and [...]

What kind of kidney deficiency do you belong to

Kidney yin deficiency is also called “true Yin”, “Yuan Yin” and “kidney water” in traditional [...]

What are the causes of kidney deficiency in men

Kidney deficiency is a comprehensive concept of various diseases such as mental fatigue, dizziness, tinnitus, [...]

Who is prone to kidney deficiency

People with irregular life or diet are prone to kidney deficiency, which is the life [...]

Keep men away from hyperlipidemia

When the total amount of blood lipid or some blood lipid components, such as cholesterol [...]

Menopause in men should not be ignored

When a man reaches the age of 45, his androgen secretion is often low, and [...]