Keeping your mouth dry while sleeping at night may be a sign of 5 diseases

Keeping your mouth dry while sleeping at night may be a sign of 5 diseases

Many people have experienced dry mouth when sleeping at night, why is that?

Dry mouth is a subjective manifestation of dry mouth, as everyone’s level of acceptance varies. Some people may not feel it for a long time without drinking water, while others may feel dry mouth easily.

The human body has three major salivary glands: parotid gland, submandibular gland, and sublingual gland. Under normal circumstances, the amount of saliva secreted by a person per day is approximately between 2000 milliliters and 3000 milliliters, and the composition is relatively fixed. However, when the amount of saliva secreted decreases or the fixed composition of saliva changes, dry mouth may occur.

Dry mouth can be divided into two types based on its etiology: physiological and pathological. There are several types of dry mouth caused by physiological reasons, such as drinking too little water during the day and being prone to dry mouth when sleeping at night. Also, eating too much salt can stimulate the thirst center in the hypothalamus, which can easily lead to a feeling of dry mouth; In addition, sleeping in an environment that is too dry and lacks humidity can also lead to dry mouth; Finally, sleeping with your mouth open can lead to accelerated saliva evaporation and a feeling of dry mouth.

Keeping your mouth dry while sleeping

For physiologically caused dry mouth, drinking more water can mainly alleviate it. However, if drinking too much water still cannot alleviate dry mouth, be alert to the following diseases at play:

1. Sjogren’s syndrome

This is an autoimmune disease that can cause varying degrees of dry mouth symptoms after onset. People with more severe symptoms need to drink water frequently when speaking or eating solid foods. In addition to dry mouth, symptoms such as parotid gland enlargement and arthritis may also occur.

2. Thyroid disease

For example, hyperthyroidism patients have a faster basal metabolism, so their bodies are more likely to lack water and experience dry mouth and tongue. In addition to dry mouth, symptoms such as palpitations, hand tremors, and excessive sweating may also occur.

3. Diabetes

Dry mouth and thirst is one of the typical symptoms of diabetes. Because sugar is in the blood of sugar lovers, which can only be discharged through urine, and at the same time, a large amount of water will be lost, resulting in frequent urination and thirst. Diabetes is usually accompanied by polydipsia, polyuria and weight loss.


4. Respiratory system diseases

For example, people with adenoid hypertrophy have the habit of breathing through their mouths, which accelerates saliva evaporation and naturally leads to dry mouth. In addition, diseases such as colds, rhinitis, sinusitis, etc. can also induce dry mouth symptoms.

5. Diabetes insipidus

There are many reasons that can lead to diabetes insipidus, and if it is caused by a lack of antidiuretic hormone, it is also prone to dry mouth.

It can be seen that there are many reasons for dry mouth, and we need to distinguish whether it is physiological or pathological in a timely manner. If we suspect it is pathological, it is recommended to go to the hospital for a check-up in a timely manner!

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