¿Cómo cocinar la sopa de algas y huevo?

Discover a simple and formal method to prepare delicious Seaweed and Egg Soup at home. Enhance your cooking skills today!

Seaweed and Egg Soup01

Seaweed and Egg Soup

Simple, convenient and tasteful
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Imprimir Pin Tarifa
Platón: Sopa
Cocina: Chino
Palabra clave: Seaweed and Egg Soup
Tiempo de preparación: 5 minutos
Tiempo de cocción: 6 minutos
Raciones: 1
Calorías: 127kcal


  • 60 g huevo
  • 5 g Coriander
  • Seaweed cantidad correcta
  • sal cantidad correcta
  • 6 g starch
  • 1 tsp aceite de sésamo

Elaboración paso a paso

  • Prepare seaweed, coriander, and eggs
    Seaweed and Egg Soup02
  • Beat the eggs in a bowl, wash and chop the coriander, set aside
    Seaweed and Egg Soup03
  • The starch is called the right amount of water to make gorgon juice
    Seaweed and Egg Soup04
  • Put water in the pot, pour the starch water after the water is boiled, then put the seaweed, then pour the eggs, put the starch water first, the purpose is that the egg liquid will float on the top, and it will be a flaky egg flower
    Seaweed and Egg Soup05
  • Season with salt
    Seaweed and Egg Soup06
  • Add sesame oil to taste
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  • Finally put on the coriander and turn off the heat
    Seaweed and Egg Soup08
  • Seaweed and egg soup is ready
    Seaweed and Egg Soup01


Valores nutricionales
Seaweed and Egg Soup
Cantidad de la ración
Calorías 127 Calorías provenientes de grasas 90
% Diario recomendado*
Grasa 10g15%
Grasa saturada 2g13%
Grasa Transgénica 1g
Grasa polinsaturada 3g
Grasa monosaturada 4g
Colesterol 223mg74%
Sodio 88mg4%
Potasio 134mg4%
Carbohidratos 2g1%
Fibra 1g4%
Azúcar 1g1%
Proteina 8g16%
Vitamina A 661IU13%
Vitamina C 2 mg2%
Calcio 38mg4%
Hierro 1mg6%
* Los porcentajes de valores diarios se basan en una dieta de 2000 calorías.
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