Do you understand the taboo of menstruation?

When a girl’s body develops, her menstruation follows, which means that the transition from a [...]

What should we do if leftovers cause cancer?

The housewives must have such troubles. Sometimes they cook too much food, especially during the [...]

Women who like to soak lemonade often pay attention in summer!

Do many female friends like to drink lemonade in summer? Maybe it’s a way of [...]

Be alert to the risk of food poisoning!

Some time ago, there was a news that a little girl in Zhejiang had been [...]

The reboiled water is not carcinogenic, the real carcinogenic food is these

The circle of friends of the seven great aunts and eight great aunts often forwards [...]

Oyster is a food that many women like? But it may not be female friendly

Is oyster a hot and popular food recently? Maybe it’s as tempting as the advertisement [...]

Although vinegar is good, you need to pay attention to these two points

Usually, you may have some elders or friends who tell you that vinegar is good [...]

Women who like balsam pear should pay attention to the following

This summer, balsam pear may be a popular vegetable in the market or in the [...]

Vinegar, a common food, has these two magical health care function

Female friends, do you usually like to be jealous? The jealousy here is not the [...]

Many female friends salivate when they see the bitterness

Do many female friends like to eat marinated food? Marinated chicken claws, marinated pig ears [...]

People with bad spleen and stomach should eat less of these two kinds of food

Why are some female friends prone to the problem of turning yellow? In fact, most [...]

Milk, yoghurt and soymilk are all nutritious milk, but these kinds of people can’t drink them

There may be many milk drinks in life, for example, milk may be the most [...]