Can eating eggs lead to osteoporosis?

Can eating eggs lead to osteoporosis?

Eggs, as a common ingredient on dining tables, are not only rich in nutritional value but also have various cooking methods. However, there have been many controversies about eggs in recent years. There are rumors that eating boiled eggs regularly can cause osteoporosis. Is this claim true or false?

Before answering this question, let’s first take a look at the nutritional value of eggs? Eggs are rich in high-quality protein, with a content of about 13%, and their types and proportions of amino acids are very similar to those of the human body, resulting in a high absorption rate by the body; Eggs contain a series of vitamins such as vitamin A, lutein, vitamin D, and vitamin K, which are beneficial for visual cells, calcium absorption, and blood clotting; In addition, the calcium content in eggs is not low, about 56mg/100g. But eggs have a lower iron absorption rate and cannot be considered a good iron supplement.

eggs lead to osteoporosis

The claim that eggs can cause osteoporosis is actually related to the rich protein content in eggs, and a high protein diet may lead to osteoporosis. Excessive intake of protein can increase the acidic load in the body, causing calcium to be lost from the bones. At the same time, it will reduce kidney function, increase the metabolism of calcium in the body, accelerate the loss of calcium in the bones, which may cause osteoporosis.

But eggs are not that harmful, even eating 2-3 eggs a day will not accelerate the loss of calcium. On the contrary, it can promote the absorption of nutrients by the body. Although it may have a slight impact on blood lipids, it does not increase bone calcium loss, so there is no need to worry too much about it.

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